Do you wish to Contribute to our Church?

Donating is not the only way to help our our church. Check out our Get Involved page to learn more about volunteering at Rockingham United Church.

Tax receipts are issued for any donation of $10 and above.

Donate via e-Transfer

To send an e-Transfer to Rockingham United Church:

  1. Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account.
  2. Set the recipient as .
  3. Enter the amount and a security question.
  4. Safely share the security answer with the Office Admin.

Donate through

If you wish to make a donation to Rockingham United Church via credit or debit card please click on the button below for a quick and easy experience:

Donate Now Through!

Donate via Cheque

Donations via cheque can be mailed or dropped off to our office at 12 Flamingo Drive, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3M 1S5.
Please make the cheque payable to Rockingham United Church.

FundScrip Fundraising

FundScrip is a Canadian fund raising company that has helped many churches increase their income through the simple idea of having members/friends buy gift cards on a regular order basis and use the gift cards instead of money to purchase food, gas, and many other staples of life.

Watch Video

Next Order Dates:

Due  Jan. 28 - Returned  Feb. 4

Due Feb. 25 - Returned  Mar. 3

Due  Mar. 31 - Returned Apr. 7

Due  Apr. 28 - Returned  May 5

Due  May 26 - Returned   June 2

Click on Get Order Form (updated May 2024) and download a .pdf for the next order due. Fill it in and return it to the church by the next order date. It's that simple! Stay tuned for the order dates for Fall 2024!

For more information contact Lynn Knapp. Contact Me

PAR - Pre Authorized Remittance

In order for day to day ministry to occur at Rockingham United we rely on the financial support of our members and adherents. If you feel you would like to become a part of that ministry by providing some financial support on an on going basis, we can make that easy for you. PAR, Pre Authorized Remittance, has been established by our national church as an easy way to have people support a local church on an on going basis. Click on the link below to get a PAR Application form. Fill it out and attach a 'void' cheque for the account from which you would like a monthly donation come from and return it to the church office and it will begin. If you want to fill in the form, print it, sign it and scan it along with a copy of a void cheque, you could email it to the church office for quick and easy processing. You can also place it in an envelope and leave it on the Collection Plate during regular worship. Here's the link to the form:

Pre Authorized Remittance Brochure & Form

Legacy Gifts

The Board of Trustees at Rockingham United Church have established a new Endowment Fund in order to provide a strong foundation upon which Rockingham United Church can build for generations to come. Read the Legacy Gifts Brochure to see how you can support the ongoing life and ministry of Rockingham United through Legacy Gifts.

Thank you for your Support!